Night Light Brandmark

The Dome

Created by Big Art

As technology continually transforms our perception of art and space, “The Dome” emerges as a groundbreaking fusion of both. Venture into an unparalleled 360-degree odyssey with the Big Art Geodome. With a vast span of 53ft in radius and an imposing height of 44ft, its sheer magnitude is a sight to behold. Yet, its essence lies deeper.

The Dome’s lattice-shell geodesic design isn’t just an architectural marvel; it’s the portal to an all-encompassing visual spectacle. Thanks to its FULL internal projection capabilities, visitors are enveloped in a vibrant tapestry of art, narratives, and imagination. Complemented by resonant surround sound, the experience is both an auditory and visual delight, ensuring that every moment inside The Dome is unforgettable.



Welcome to Night Light, brought to you by The Victoria Park BIA!

Join us for Night Light year two, this September 26-28, 2024.


Complete our Night Light Artist Application below to be considered or email us at